The Truth of Bears
A common misconception of the #Blockchain industry, is the Bear market. This colloquial term now trendy is one that needs to be properly illuminated. Little is known, on how veteran investors gauge the market. This leaves new investors and industry makers in a fog with all the negative feedback concerning this colloquialism. The beginning of the year was as smooth as it was turbulent. As oxymoronic as it sounds it is the undeniable truth. With recent world events, individuals and companies are stifled with uncertainty constantly. A simple explanation on the terms Bear and Bull, will give insight and allow new users to tackle the everchanging industry of cryptocurrency.
The Bull or “bullish” is an advancing market that in on the upward trajectory and becomes profitable for the investor or creator of assets. It is a business dream to always have positive numbers when it is time for accounting. Pragmatically this is ideal, and the rate of returns are astounding in the space. When you think Bull, think profit. And profit is what sustains businesses.
That being said, this article will explain a fundamental part in in asset management in the #Blockchain.
The bear markets.
The Bear or “bearish” market is a retreating market that has downward trajectory. This is not ideal when assets become undervalued in the market, hindering initial stock profitability. Initial investors, and companies may panic and short sale assets. An experienced investor, understand that a market that is crashing is a beautiful one. The ability to purchase, create and transact has become affordable for the average person. So, what do we do when this happens?
Stay Kool 8ear.
This is a prime opportunity in the market where to can take advantage that large investors, already planned for this and were patiently waiting on. There is a dip, when that happens a specific group of buyers will purchase. Utilizing small companies to purchase on their behalf to maximize profits. This efficient production of transactions, occur daily until the pool of liquidity is unavailable or the market returns.
Study the patterns of the market, to prepare for and stock assets for the winter. It is important for any individual or company to market and stay relevant in an everchanging Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Token market. In conclusion a bear market is good, when you prepare for it. This is the market where crossovers and new products are created in sold. Perfectly in a Kool 8ear market.
Happy Hunting! 🧭 Blockchain Explorers 🧭
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